Baltimore Reader

Fun books and things to do around Baltimore

Breakfast Bars and Summer Fun

Hello again! Summer fun has kept us on the go, which explains the lack of entries and the title above. While we are on the go, we have borrowed a recipe from a friend, which is make your own breakfast bars. They are basically modified Rice Krispie treats. We use any cereal we like and add mix ins - dried fruit, craisins, peanuts, pistachios… We have been having a lot of fun coming up with new tastes and I like that our own breakfast bars and a milk to go can keep us fueled up for a busy summer day.

We have also been adding milk to our summer nights during our milk and cookies story times. We are hoping that August 9 will be our next one, in our front yard, as always. Milk, cookies, great books and great friends have made for some pretty perfect Friday nights. You can add any themes or treats you want for the kids and adults in attendance.

We are also looking forward to returning to our favorite nature center with books before too long. We just love Oregon Ridge Nature Center and found out yesterday that the Oregon Ridge Playground is just as fun. What a great way to play outside! If all goes acoording to plans, we will be at Oregon Ridge on August 24. They are running an insect safari that weekend, and of course we signed up from 2-4.

Happy Reading!

Trish and Elizabeth and Andrew