Baltimore Reader

Fun books and things to do around Baltimore

Happy Reading Season


I know this blog post has been long overdue. As much as I like telling everyone about reading, it seems that actually reading with my favorite kids has been taking up most of my time. Thank you again for letting me be your book lady!

One of my favorite finds for enjoying books together is Story Line Online. If the link does not work, look up Story Line Online. It has really fun books read aloud and it is brought to you by the Screen Actors Guild. A personal favorite is When Pigasso met Mootise. I tried to have the kids just hear the story, and look at my phone for a second, but was overruled by book lovers having fun. Actually, I was fine with that.

And I love having great books on hand during this season of reading. Cozy holiday books, book fairs, tired shoppers and a just right story to settle them down. I love the idea of wrapping books as an advent calendar to be unwrapped and enjoyed from December 1 to 25, but am most excited to bring back favorites, wrapped or unwrapped.

This is also a busy season for me as a book lady, which means that I get to share favorite books with favorite kids. Most of all, I want to wish everyone a happy reading season. Enjoy all the holidays, and then enjoy the chance to snuggle in as a family and savor the seaon together.

Happy Reading! :) Trish

Lions and Lambs

Hello! This book lady Mom has been treated like a rock star on Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Yesterday we bought a lot of ingredients for meals from the Dr. Seuss cookbook (see last year’s blog entry “Happy Birthday” for Elizabeth’s book review.) and today has been all about eating foods from the cookbook, watching Dr. Seuss movies, watching the Scholastic Dr. Seuss cartoons and the PBS kids’ Cat in the Hat series, and reading. What a fun Dr. Seuss weekend that may continue tomorrow with the snow!

Snow painting has been a hit with our family as well. You do not need to buy the snow paint. Food coloring may stain, but the kids love to paint snow with it, and tub colors will work with melted snow, with water, or you can have the kids “melt their own paints.” You add a little warm water to a cup or have the kids find melted snow on a melting day. Next, the kids add their own food coloring or tub color pellet and a scoop of snow to make the paint. We did not experience staining with our clothes, but I just wanted to warn you that it could happen.

We are also totally rushing Spring this year, and I hope to inspire kids with Lion and Lamb reading challenges, which start with the cold weather and end at the end of the month or at the end of Spring Break. March is also a great month to focus on reading with Read Across Maryland, Dr Seuss’s birthday, and all the holiday fun over the next two months. Remember: We give books has great holiday, seasonal, and classic books that you can access on your computer for free.

As Maryland prepares for another snow day, I hope this gives you some inspiration for some March fun.

And as we venture in to the lamb portion of the month, we will be participating in some wonderful 5Ks and running at the park, as well as enjoying Seussical the Musical at Perry Hall Middle School on March 22.


:) Trish and Liz Williams

Thank You!

Hello and Thank you!

All of my readers and friends and family have been keeping my busy with book ladying. There is still a wonderful sense of magic each time I see a face light up with the joy of recieving a book or activity from the book lady. Thank you for giving me the opportuntiy to see so many smiling faces!

Fall has crept in on us, and reading programs are starting. Yay! I love the opportunity for our whole family to commit to reading for 15 minutes or more a day. Liz is more of an independent reader these days, but I love that she is reading to Mommy and Daddy now!

Remember: Apps on mobile devices are a great way to sneak in both reading and playtime. New movies usually have free apps - some with games, some with reading. We have been downloading the free Croods apps lately. For books, ABC Mouse has a free book that Liz loves, Scholastic sometimes gives free books, and Oceanhouse Media gives a free Little Critter book and some Lite books to try out. Tab Tales also has a lot of free books and for most the ads are not intrusive so the kids can enjoy the free books. I know I often talk about app books, but when you can get fun reading materials for free or for a dollar or two on what your child is interested in, I find it worth searching. Be creative to see who has free books and games that would be great for your family.

We Give Books is another great source of free books on your computer. Click here for We Give Books They currently have a Halloween reading section. Yay! So does your library, so it would be great to get a spooky reading trip on your schedule. :)

School has been keeping us busy, along with all of the back to school activities. Let me know if you need help in making reading a back to school activity with your family. Our family would love to meet anyone at the library or at Oregon Ridge Nature Center, another of our favorite fall places. I do not have any events scheduled at this moment, but look forward to coming up with new ones as we settle in to the school year.

Thank you again to all my bmorereader followers and book lady customers.

Happy Reading!

:) Trish

Breakfast Bars and Summer Fun

Hello again! Summer fun has kept us on the go, which explains the lack of entries and the title above. While we are on the go, we have borrowed a recipe from a friend, which is make your own breakfast bars. They are basically modified Rice Krispie treats. We use any cereal we like and add mix ins - dried fruit, craisins, peanuts, pistachios… We have been having a lot of fun coming up with new tastes and I like that our own breakfast bars and a milk to go can keep us fueled up for a busy summer day.

We have also been adding milk to our summer nights during our milk and cookies story times. We are hoping that August 9 will be our next one, in our front yard, as always. Milk, cookies, great books and great friends have made for some pretty perfect Friday nights. You can add any themes or treats you want for the kids and adults in attendance.

We are also looking forward to returning to our favorite nature center with books before too long. We just love Oregon Ridge Nature Center and found out yesterday that the Oregon Ridge Playground is just as fun. What a great way to play outside! If all goes acoording to plans, we will be at Oregon Ridge on August 24. They are running an insect safari that weekend, and of course we signed up from 2-4.

Happy Reading!

Trish and Elizabeth and Andrew

Busy, Busy


I guess it has been a while since I have typed in my blog. We have been reading outside, inside, and enjoying the spring.

Have you sidewalk chalk painted yet? Having water and a paintbrush near by to paint over your sidewalk chalk really brings out the color and is so much fun!

My family seems to be having a blast with birthday parties, too. There is so much fun stuff to do lately! And of course, I give fair warning, if you invite my family to a birthday party, we will probably sneak a book in to your gift bag. :)

I am trying to keep track of the books my friends and family already have from me (and people who buy from me), so if you want to check what book someone already has, or if you need a gift idea, just ask the book lady.

Free stuff:

Parks and nature centers have been taking up a lot of our time lately and they also seem to offer good summer programs. And the summer reading program is about to start in Baltimore County with “Dig in to Reading” as the theme. I think it is the statewide theme. We will be enjoying our library and local playgrounds a bunch this spring and summer.

Event update:

I will be having a book lady day for the Jacksonville Senior Center next to our favorite playground on Saturday, April 27th from 8 - 2. It runs rain or shine, but since I will be outside by the playground, I will be there only if it is not raining. Liz wants us to have a bug theme since it is ‘the butterfly playground.’ Come play! The location is 3605 Sweet Air Road, Phoenix, MD 21131

I will not be holding any events in May, but look forward to recitals, watching friends at their sporting events, hopefully making it to the fairy festival, and all kinds of outdoorsy fun.

Following the words of Doctor Scott, the paleontologist, we are getting outside and in to nature! Bring a magnifying glass with you. Older kids prefer clear glass, but little kids like scratched ones, too. It is amazing the curiosity and imaginative play that comes alive, and it can sometimes take the complaining out of a long walk.

Happy reading and have a great spring! Trish

Can’t Wait to Read Outside

Hello again everyone!

Today begins a fun book weekend, with a show and a meet the Easter Bunny event tomorrow. My whole family is excited for both, and I am too. I am also excited to keep reading outside. Oregon Ridge is great for that, and so are backyards and front yards.

My next Oregon Ridge Nature Center date is April 6 from 11-1. There will be playing at the outdoor playground, picnicing, and crafts. It is something else that we Williams are excited about.

April is also exciting because of Perry Hall Middle school’s play, How To Eat Like a Child. The play will run on Friday night, April 12 at 7pm and Saturday, April 13 at 2pm. My family has been enjoying these plays for years! With this one being a musical comedy, we are double excited!

Before that, we will be getting green snowballs this weekend. It is an annual tradition, so we will be toasting the leprechauns tomorrow and walking the green trail in search of a pot of gold or for a leprechaun. Friends of ours have also taught us to make a leprechaun trap with a box and things for the leprechaun left under the box. You may not catch any leprechauns, though because they are sneaky. Liz says leprechauns only come at night, so you have to be quiet and hope he at least leaves some coins.

The end of winter/early spring are so good for my family, and I hope they are great for yours, too.

Lately we have been reading up on gems and minerals, which is a really fun way to explore nature indoors or out. You can get books from your library, and some places have kits with books and sample minerals.

Activity of the post: Make your own dot to dots. Come up with a simple shape or use a stencil and draw some dot to dot animals/things, whatever you desire. It is a great way to reinforce numbers and pen to paper skills. We have been doing a lot of dot to dots lately and with Spring Break around the corner, you may want go to activities that can be done indoors or outside.

Until next post, and contact me at if you want any details about the events I posted about.

Trish and Elizabeth

March 9th Storytime

Just in case you do not know, I will be at Oregon Ridge nature center this Saturday doing a story time from 11-1. If you need further details, please email me at It will be immediately before the nature center’s activity, CSI at the Ridge. Please sign up with the nature center if you want to be a part of CSI at the Ridge.

Spring planning is in the air, though it seems strange on this cold rainy, and some places snowy day. If you want me to host a show for you, please book with me soon. You know what a priority family fun is for me and my crew.

Also, as a thanks to blog readers, if you order online from me during this snow storm (today or tomorrow), I will get you a free dot to dot Nature book. Perfect for spring activities and spring break, which is just around the corner.

Latest book suggestion/review from Elizabeth and her family:

The Ivy and Bean series by Annie Barrows.

It is regulary quoted around our house and has gotten us to look up a famous paleontologist, research Giselle, the ballet and reinvigorated our love of the aquarium. We have read books 1-6 over and over again, and are waiting for a special occasion to treat ourselves to books 7, 8, and 9.

Elizabeth says, “You should really get those boooks if you don’t have them. My favorites are all of them”.

Goodbye for now. It is time to watch more Scooby Doo!

posted by Elizabee and her Mommy

Happy Birthday

Hello again! Wow, February has been surprisingly busy. We are a week away from March, and also a week and a day away form Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Saturday, March second there should be Dr. Seuss celebrations around libraries, Lakeshore… Schools will probably be celebrating over the week, too. This ties in to my blog, because friends have been asking for book reviews, and the Williams family has a new favorite Dr. Seuss book. Actually, it is the Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook It has provided us with breakfast, superbowl snacks, and fun. Elizabeth (my daughter) is normally the recipe finder, too which is a nice break for the meal planner in the house. She says “if you like silly meals, you should get this cookbook.” She also helped type her entry.

Book show and tell by Elizabeth and her mommy.

It Is a Great Day for Reading

Wow! Rain, snow, learning from the Ravens and from author Michelle Nelson-Schmidt about following your dreams and making dreams come true… So much excitement, but also a chill in the air make it a great day for reading! Of course, I think every day has potential to be a great day for reading.

Remember, reading does not have to be expensive or an event in itself. Try to make reading fun for everyone. One of my favorite fun ways to read, I admit it, is checking in on my friends and family through Facebook. When they think of me or post something that they know I would like, it makes me fell great! Shouldn’t reading be about feeling great?

Whether you read a cookbook, an online post, or a juicy novel, you are setting the example that reading is important, and that it remains important for your whole life. If the kids are reading a recipe or a book to you, or helping you cook something delicious, it then has a new importance for them, too.

Okay, So on to more Free reading resources.

Have you tried yet? It is free books to share online and, a book is donated to someone who needs access to books for each book you read. And the books are great! You will see favorite authors and publshers letting you read for free.

There are also great free reading apps, books… for iPads and other mobile devices. Lately, I have been stocking up on free Scholastic books - Storia gives you 5 for trying their app, plus they have been giving a free one away during January and February.

Of course I have the inside scoop on free, cheap and worth the money books from Usborne and all around the local area. :) Most of your friends also have great insight on books and apps, so ask them for great app and book suggestions to get your kids reading. But why not try the books at the library first (or an app on a friend’s device), and buy the ones that you love each time.

Also, many of the toys that your children play with have apps, websites, and coloring pages available for free. The toy at home, some of the books or movies about the toy from the library, and a coloring page online (or an opportunity to play games at their website) provides a lot of opportunities on a day that you are inside anyway.

Again, that is what this Bmorereader has been doing lately. Hope you enjoyed the post, happy reading, and ask me if you have any questions! My phone number is on my book consultant web site. :)

Welcome to My Blog


I am a stay at home mom with a daughter that just entered Kindergarten. This means, I now have time to think and learn. In doing so, I want to be helpful to parents and friends. So here it is, bmorereader.

In my dream world, there would be more readers

I am a wife, a mom, and a Baltimore Reader

Hence the blog name.

So, how will this blog be useful?

Hopefully I will be posting cool things to do with your family

Also, as a book consultant and person that has been involved in reading to kids and getting kids to love reading since the 90s, I will post my thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to get your family reading together.

Spending time reading with your family works.

If you are not a reading family, give your child experiences worth reading or writing about. Have fun together! It will promote school and life success.

Need and idea for reading and fun. Your library is free and a lot of them have play areas and computer access. Storyville is like a great winter playground for younger kids (baby-preschool) filled with books and things to do.

There are often free crafts around Baltimore County- We went to Lakeshore Learning for a free snowman craft today.

Cook at home with your kids - reading and family time in your own home.

So that is what this bmorereader has been up to lately.

Hope this gave you a good idea for the upcoming week!