Baltimore Reader

Fun books and things to do around Baltimore

Thank You!

Hello and Thank you!

All of my readers and friends and family have been keeping my busy with book ladying. There is still a wonderful sense of magic each time I see a face light up with the joy of recieving a book or activity from the book lady. Thank you for giving me the opportuntiy to see so many smiling faces!

Fall has crept in on us, and reading programs are starting. Yay! I love the opportunity for our whole family to commit to reading for 15 minutes or more a day. Liz is more of an independent reader these days, but I love that she is reading to Mommy and Daddy now!

Remember: Apps on mobile devices are a great way to sneak in both reading and playtime. New movies usually have free apps - some with games, some with reading. We have been downloading the free Croods apps lately. For books, ABC Mouse has a free book that Liz loves, Scholastic sometimes gives free books, and Oceanhouse Media gives a free Little Critter book and some Lite books to try out. Tab Tales also has a lot of free books and for most the ads are not intrusive so the kids can enjoy the free books. I know I often talk about app books, but when you can get fun reading materials for free or for a dollar or two on what your child is interested in, I find it worth searching. Be creative to see who has free books and games that would be great for your family.

We Give Books is another great source of free books on your computer. Click here for We Give Books They currently have a Halloween reading section. Yay! So does your library, so it would be great to get a spooky reading trip on your schedule. :)

School has been keeping us busy, along with all of the back to school activities. Let me know if you need help in making reading a back to school activity with your family. Our family would love to meet anyone at the library or at Oregon Ridge Nature Center, another of our favorite fall places. I do not have any events scheduled at this moment, but look forward to coming up with new ones as we settle in to the school year.

Thank you again to all my bmorereader followers and book lady customers.

Happy Reading!

:) Trish