Baltimore Reader

Fun books and things to do around Baltimore

March 9th Storytime

Just in case you do not know, I will be at Oregon Ridge nature center this Saturday doing a story time from 11-1. If you need further details, please email me at It will be immediately before the nature center’s activity, CSI at the Ridge. Please sign up with the nature center if you want to be a part of CSI at the Ridge.

Spring planning is in the air, though it seems strange on this cold rainy, and some places snowy day. If you want me to host a show for you, please book with me soon. You know what a priority family fun is for me and my crew.

Also, as a thanks to blog readers, if you order online from me during this snow storm (today or tomorrow), I will get you a free dot to dot Nature book. Perfect for spring activities and spring break, which is just around the corner.

Latest book suggestion/review from Elizabeth and her family:

The Ivy and Bean series by Annie Barrows.

It is regulary quoted around our house and has gotten us to look up a famous paleontologist, research Giselle, the ballet and reinvigorated our love of the aquarium. We have read books 1-6 over and over again, and are waiting for a special occasion to treat ourselves to books 7, 8, and 9.

Elizabeth says, “You should really get those boooks if you don’t have them. My favorites are all of them”.

Goodbye for now. It is time to watch more Scooby Doo!

posted by Elizabee and her Mommy